Downloading data wirelessly can dramatically increase operational efficiency. Sensitech provides that valuable capability with our reliable TempTale RF and RF² temperature monitors.

TempTale® RF
- Wireless downloads automate data collection and communication — no need for monitor retrieval or data conditioning
- Comprehensive time, temperature and location info
- Support for both 900 MHz and 800 MHz bands in single and multi-channel configurations
- Automated alarming and alerting improves quality, reduces waste, and enables receivers to prioritize and focus resources appropriately

TempTale® RF2 for Japan
- Auto stop via gateway server settings
- Store and record location information when other ColdStream RF² Infrastructure components are detected
- Operates within the 915 MHz or 868 MHz ISM band for efficient transmission in high water content product situations
- Leverage reader-talk-first mode—no transmission until they are near an active ColdStream Infrastructure component; required mode for air transit.