Find your product listed below to read answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find your answer in the questions below, please Contact Us for assistance.
General Sensitech Questions ^ Top
A certificate of calibration is provided when your device ships. You can also request a copy of the certificate of calibration for any Sensitech device by Submitting a Support Ticket.
When submitting the request, please list the device serial number or sales order number for which you need the certificate(s) of calibration.
Sensitech provides a warranty against defects in materials or workmanship for a maximum period of twelve (12) months from the date of shipping for TempTale® 4, TempTale® Ultra, and Strip Chart Recorders. This warranty applies to products that were new at the date of shipping. For other warranty inquiries about these or other products, please Submit a Support Ticket.
If we determine a device needs to be returned for evaluation, an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) form and return instructions will be provided.
SensiWatch® Platform ^ Top
We offer a range of videos for SensiWatch Platform Tutorials to help you with some of the most common questions our customers face when using the platform.
If you need assistance with your SensiWatch platform account, please email [email protected]. Once you receive an email confirming your request, please wait 24 hours for a response.
Navigate to the home page of SensiWatch Platform and press the “Forgot password?” link on the login page. Enter your Login ID to receive password reset instructions. Please watch the tutorial video by clicking here. If you forgot your Login ID, contact your system administrator, or Submit a Support Ticket.
Use our QuickStart guide for an explanation on how to create a trip or watch our tutorial video, “Creating an Editing a Trip”.
Trip departure depends on one or more events occurring. For additional assistance, please Submit a Support Ticket.
Trip arrival depends on one or more events occurring. For additional assistance, please Submit a Support Ticket.
Please watch our tutorial video, “Setup and Search for Public Trips.”
“No information available” means that the trip is not a public trip. Please contact the Shipper for trip information or Submit a Support Ticket.
If you cannot find the trip in the application, a shipment may not exist. Please contact the Shipper to create a shipment or Submit a Support Ticket.
TempTale® GEO X/XE/XP/XEP^ Top
Use your smartphone camera and QR reader app to scan the QR code to open the TempTale Mobile App in the Apple or Google Play mobile app stores.
The TempTale Mobile App supports iOS 11 and above; Android 7.1 and above; and Bluetooth 4.2 - 5.1.
Data from the TempTale GEO X will automatically download to ColdStream Select when the device is stopped or, if configured, when the shipment crosses a specific geofence or with a light event.
The TempTale GEO X also has a secondary Bluetooth download for use in areas without cellular connectivity. The screen will display APP if a Bluetooth download is necessary.
To download using Bluetooth, ensure the device is stopped, then press the Start and Stop buttons together. A Bluetooth icon will appear on screen. Open the TempTale Mobile App and tap the down arrow to download. Data will be stored to your smartphone and synchronized with ColdStream Select.
Press the green “START” button for 3 seconds. You will see a sunshine icon on the LCD to confirm.
The LCD screen displays a sunshine icon when running and a stopped icon
when stopped. If an error has occurred, the screen will display the letter E followed by a numerical error code.
No, placing the TempTale GEO X directly in the dry ice environment will damage the device electronics causing the device not to work as expected. Probes should be used for direct ice shipments, which are available on the TempTale GEO XP and TempTale GEO XEP devices. For more information, please review the datasheets and specifications for our real-time temperature and location monitors.
Remove the protective paper from the adhesive strip on the back of the TempTale GEO X and place it on the TOP of the LAST pallet loaded on the passenger side of the trailer, closest to the door. For air shipments in ULD containers, place the monitor on the top or top side of the pallet facing the door. Place the probe of the TempTale GEO XP and XEP monitor as close to your product or payload as possible while keeping the monitor’s electronic housing away from the dry ice environment.
You can see live data from the device in SensiWatch Platform, either by logging in or by entering the associated serial number on the login screen.
The top label explains the device’s hardware alarms, operating life, and configuration settings. For example, a label stating “High Alarm Only -60C; 5 Days, 5 Mins Intrvl, 45 Mins Delay” means the device alarms at temperatures above -60°C, and has a five-day operating life, a five-minute temperature recording interval, and a 45-minute start-up delay.
The bottom label indicates the device use-by date and operating life. For example, a label stating “ON DEMAND; Use by Date: 12 Nov 2024; 5 DAYS” means the device was purchased at the ON DEMAND service level, the device will be operational for the trip duration if the start button is pressed by 12 November 2024, and the device will last for a five day journey.
TempTale® GEO LTE ^ Top
Press the green “START” button for 1 second. The STATUS LED will blink rapidly for 30-60 seconds as the monitor powers up. Once the STATUS LED stops blinking, the monitor is ready to be placed on a shipment. Do not use the unit if the “ERROR” LED is blinking red. For additional information, please refer to the TempTale GEO LTE Instruction Manual.
Press the STATUS button briefly:
- 4 blinks = NOT STARTED (monitor ready to be started)
- 2 blinks = RUNNING (monitor has already been started)
- 1 blink = STOPPED (monitor has stopped and cannot be started)
Note: The STATUS button may be pressed multiple times.
Please Submit a Support Ticket.
SensiWatch® Tracks ^ Top
Go to the SensiWatch Tracks website. Enter the 10-character serial number into the “Track Public Shipment” box then click search. If no results are returned, please login to the application or Submit a Support Ticket.
Serial numbers not part of a public shipment can only be accessed by logging in to the application. If you do not have a login, please contact your Shipper for trip details or Submit a Support Ticket.
“No information available” means that the shipment is not public. Please contact the Shipper for trip information or Submit a Support Ticket.
Enter “Public” for the company name. If you get the message “No information available,” it means the shipment is not public. Please contact the Shipper for trip information or Submit a Support Ticket.
“No information available” means that the shipment is not public. Please contact the Shipper for trip information or Submit a Support Ticket.
For assistance, please Submit a Support Ticket.
TempTale® Ultra BLE ^ Top
You can use your smartphone camera and QR reader app to scan the QR code to find the TempTale® Mobile App in the Apple or Google Play mobile app stores.
The TempTale Mobile App supports iOS 11 and above; Android 7.1 and above; and Bluetooth 4.2 - 5.1.
Yes. The USB connector is under the monitor's black cap. When a downloaded monitor is connected to a PC you can view the PDF version of the monitor’s data.
To view the detailed temperature data file using TempTale Manager Desktop 9.0 or later, connect the monitor to a PC and select Download Monitor from the Actions menu.
The Certificate of Calibration can be viewed by electing View Calibration Report from the View menu using TempTale Manager Desktop 9.0 or later.
If you don’t have access to a computer, open the TempTale App. When the monitor is in range it will automatically be detected and displayed. It will appear as a white card with a download symbol. Tap [Download] to send the data to ColdStream Select. If there is a shipment record created in ColdStream Select with your monitor’s serial number associated with it, the monitor record will be created.
If you have a computer, one can upload monitor data to ColdStream Select using the USB connection on the TempTale BLE monitor, provided the ColdStream Select Tray App is installed.
Data on the monitor can be accessed by: the latest versions of the TempTale Mobile App (via Bluetooth 4.2-5.1); TempTale Manager Desktop 9.0 (via exported .ttv and/or Certificate of Calibration data); and ColdStream Select (via assigning the serial number to a shipment and its consequential automatic data upload to ColdStream Select using the TempTale Mobile App).
With the TempTale Mobile App open on your smartphone, when the monitor’s serial number appears on the card, click the download icon . You will be prompted to “Keep Monitor Running After Download?”, yes or no. When the monitor is downloaded, the white card will turn blue.
You can share any downloaded monitor data (the card will be blue in the TempTale Mobile App). Tap the paper stack icon at the bottom right in the TempTale Mobile App. An “Actions” submenu will appear. Tap the “export” option. Select monitors from the listed monitors to export and ‘Selected’ at the bottom of the screen. On the next screen you can choose to export the PDF or TTV file, add or remove monitors from the list, include notes and optionally add the Certificate of Calibration (COC) on the selected monitor(s).
After you have downloaded and decided which information to export from the monitor, you can share the data using your personal email, Microsoft Outlook, Teams, or Windows OneDrive, if the chosen application is installed on your smartphone.
ColdStream® Select ^ Top
Passwords are managed by the system Administrator, please Submit a Support Ticket and we can assist with getting you to the right person.
Access and visibility into the application is permission-based. If you need further assistance, please Submit a Support Ticket.
The ColdStream Select Tray App is an add-on interface application used with ColdStream Select to allow downloading and/or configuring TempTale monitors in ColdStream Select.
If you are downloading and/or configuring TempTale monitors into ColdStream Select, the App must be installed. Downloading and/or configuring monitors is enabled through user-based permissions. If you only use ColdStream Select to view shipment or monitor data, you do not need the App.
The ColdStream Select Tray App is located on our website. Please refer to our Support Downloads page for installers and instruction manuals.
There is an App available for each version of ColdStream Select. To identify which version you need, login to ColdStream Select, click the paper stack (menu) at the top right of the page, and then click [About]. The version of ColdStream Select will be displayed.
Yes. To identify which version you need, login to ColdStream Select, click the paper stack (menu) at the top right of the page, and then click [About]. The version of ColdStream Select will be displayed. If you determine your version ColdStream Select is not 2.2 you will need to download the ‘USB Interface Plus’ and ‘TempTale USB’ driver from our website.
You can download drivers and interfaces from our Support Downloads page. If your version ColdStream Select is 2.2, the necessary drivers are automatically installed when you install the ColdStream Select Tray App.
Please refer to our Support Downloads page for installers and instruction manuals.
TempTale® Monitors ^ Top
The TempTale 4 and TempTale Ultra family of monitors have an internal clock synchronized with the internet atomic clock at the Sensitech factory. The monitor's internal clock operates in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
When the monitor is downloaded by the PC, times for all the readings are calculated from the start time stored in the monitor. The PC is interrogated for its local time zone to convert all reading times into the local time zone.
Response time for TempTale monitors depends on several factors, including airflow, temperature change and pressure. Since environments will differ, Sensitech does not claim a specification for response time.
There are several different monitor alarm types:
- Time - single event: Alarm triggers if the actual temperature is out of the ideal range consecutively for the time specified.
- Time - cumulative: Alarm triggers if the actual temperature is out of the ideal range for the total time specified. The alarm will trigger for cumulative consecutive and non-consecutive temperature out of range events.
- Time & Temp - single event: Alarm triggers if the temperature is consecutively out of range for the degree-minutes specified. Where degree-minutes are the difference measured in ºF/ºC between the actual temperature and the ideal temperature multiplied by the measurement interval (in minutes).
- Time & Temp - cumulative: Alarm triggers if the temperature is out of range consecutively or non - consecutively for the degree - minutes specified.
Sensitech does not recommend using a TempTale monitor after the “Expires” or “Validated Through” month-end dates. If your TempTale monitor does not have a sticker indicating this on the back, please Submit a Support Ticket.
The TempTale monitor product design uses a self-calibrating circuit. This means that every time a monitor is started, the microprocessor determines the circuit resistance by using a high-precision resistor in place of the thermistor. This allows the unit to compensate for any effects the electronic circuit has on accurate temperature readings over the life of the product.
A properly assembled unit will hold an accuracy of between +/- 0.5°C and +/- 1°C depending on the temperature range in which it is used. Therefore, a TempTale monitor does not need to be “recalibrated” over its useful lifetime.
If you question the accuracy of the data recorded by a TempTale monitor, you can elect to have it tested post calibration at Sensitech. There is a fee for this service. To request a post calibration, please Submit a Support Ticket.
If you see “MULTIPLE USE” (at the top or above the start and stop buttons), it can be re-used.
To re-use the monitor, you will need to reconfigure it before the next use. If the label does not indicate “MULTIPLE USE”, it is a single use monitor that can only be used once.
If the front label is printed with “MULTIPLE USE”, you can reconfigure the monitor. This can be accomplished using a Sensitech software application. For further information please Submit a Support Ticket.
No. Only the probe is designed for this environment.
The actual monitor will not provide acceptable performance if the battery and/or other components are exposed to temperatures below –30°C. The TempTale 4 Probeless Dry Ice monitor is designed for environments to –95°C.
Most of our TempTale monitors require no extra steps or paperwork when shipping them because of the small size of the batteries. Customer Service bulletin #99 posted in our Support section (CSB #99) will provide you with a breakdown of model types and the largest quantities of those you may ship without labeling your package. Also in that bulletin are the labeling requirement details if you need to label your shipment.
If you require additional paperwork regarding the batteries, please contact Client Services. We maintain all paperwork necessary to comply with 49 CFR of the Hazardous Materials Regulations.
Depending on the TempTale Ultra monitor configuration, you can view trip summary information, such as average temperature, minimum temperature recorded, maximum temperature recorded, time above high alarm, and time below low alarm. When the stop sign icon is displayed on the LCD, press the green start button.
TempTale Manager® Desktop ^ Top
When viewing a TTX/TTV data file using TempTale Manager Desktop (TTMD), the time zone used for the reports is based on the selected time zone setting on the PC that is being used.
The time difference offset from GMT is indicated on the header of all views. The PDF data, by default, shows the data in GMT time zone.
To change the time zone on PDF data files, the request for the report the show in a time zone other than GMT needs to be requested at the time of ordering the device.
When configuring a multiple-use device, the time zone for the PDF data file can be changed before writing the configuration.
To request a download link for TempTale Manager Desktop (TTMD), please Submit a Support Ticket.
On longer trips with a short measurement interval, the TempTale Manager Desktop (TTMD) graphing algorithm uses squares as markers to make the printed graph easier to read when using older model printers.
To eliminate the squares, go to ‘View’ on the menu, choose ‘Graph Options’ then uncheck the “Show Graph Options” at the right. Click [OK] at the bottom of the window.
Coldstream® Site ^ Top
TempTale Site sensors are swapped out annually (every 12 months) to ensure the customer installation remains within calibration. To inquire about your swap-out date, please Submit a Support Ticket.
TempTale® RF ^ Top
If your facility does not have TempTale RF infrastructure, you can download the RF monitor data with an RF download cable. To order a TempTale RF download cable please contact Client Services.
Shipping Temperature Indicators ^ Top
In-transit temperature indicators are designed for shipments ranging from 10 to 90 days.
To support storage condition monitoring, some models of Sensitech’s temperature indicator product line operate for longer periods of time, up to 3 years.
Yes, the enclosures are dust-tight and sealed to protect the internal electronic circuit against splashing liquids.
There are no predetermined threshold time/temperatures for alarm conditions. Each indicator is customized to the customer’s unique product requirements. The threshold temperature, threshold time, and alarm type (single-event or cumulative) parameters are selected by the customer when an order is placed. Sensitech programs each device to the customer’s specifications prior to shipping.
Yes. TagAlert indicators can be programmed with one, two, three or four time/temperature alarms. The customer determines the number and type of alarms required for a particular application.
All Sensitech indicators maintain a +/- 0.5°C temperature accuracy band centered at the most common operating temperatures experienced in last-mile cold chain distribution environments. Outside these bands, temperature accuracy expands to +/- 1.0°C. Time accuracy for alarm conditions is ± a few seconds per month of operation.
In general, electronic temperature indicators require approximately 10 minutes to fully respond to changes in temperature.
FreezeAlert and ThermoAlert indicators display a simple “go, no-go” icon on the display, providing the overall status of programmed alarm condition. These devices do not indicate any other additional information.
The TagAlert indicator incorporates a similar display of overall alarm status and includes the AlarmAlert feature that provides detailed time-stamp information concerning when the first alarm occurred within a 10-day trip.
The VaxAlert indicator provides additional information about alarm conditions, with elapsed time markers for up to nine unique alarm event and displays of max/min temperatures experienced during alarm events.
If there is an alarm activation symbol displayed on the TagAlert indicator, the AlarmAlert feature will provide information about the status of the first activated alarm which occurred within the first 10 days of trip.
Press the Start button to determine which alarm triggered first (there are a maximum of four alarms that can trigger, depending on the unit’s programming). The alarm that triggered first will flash on the LCD for four seconds (e.g., if “2” flashes for four seconds, then Alarm 2 triggered first). The LCD will clear, and the next number that appears indicates the day of the trip during which the alarm was triggered.
If more than one number flashes, the numbers should be added to determine the day on which the alarm was triggered (e.g., if a “2” and a “4” appear, then the alarm was triggered on the sixth day of the trip). After two seconds, the LCD will then flash numbers representing the three-hour window during which the alarm was triggered.
If more than one number flashes, the numbers should be added to determine the 3-hour segment of the day in which the alarm was triggered (e.g., if a “2” and a “4” appear, then the alarm was triggered on the sixth 3-hour segment of the trip, hour 15-18).
No. The alarm temperature values are generated in Celsius only. When placing an order for indicators, you must provide alarm temperature threshold values in Celsius.
No. Temperature indicators are simple, convenient, cost-effective, single-use electronic monitoring devices, programmed with a customer-specific profile during the manufacturing process. The devices are designed for limited operation life and are not reprogrammable.
Yes. The Enhanced TagAlert and NFC TagAlert have a Start/Stop button feature. This feature enables a field stop of monitoring at the receiving site.
No. Dry ice applications can potentially go to -80°C or below, which would drain the unit’s battery and could damage other internal components. Sensitech indicators are limited to the specified operation ranges listed on the datasheets.
Every indicator product has been subjected to a variety of internal quality, accuracy and performance tests, as well as third-party, independent product testing and validation. This extensive testing assures the overall accuracy and reliability of each indicator design. Validation Packages detailing these test results are available for customer review.
Contact Client Services for further information. In addition, each indicator produced by Sensitech is tested for temperature accuracy and referenced to a NIST-traceable temperature standard.
Strip Chart Recorders ^ Top
Yes. Once the unit has been properly started the movement of the gears produces a faint ticking sound. The ticking sound is additional confirmation that the unit was started.
Yes and yes. If all parts of the strip chart recorder are returned to Sensitech in working condition, your unit may be tested for timing and temperature accuracy after use.

